I Press Keys on my Keyboard... A Lot ================================================================================ About Me: - Double Diploma in Computer Science - Open Source Contributor - Game Engine & Game Developer - Gamer - High Priestest of The Fox Cult - Queen of Foxland and Protector of the Foxes Skills: - Game Dev - Web Backends - Data Mining - Linux System Administrator - Actually RTFM Primary Computer Languages: - Zig - Rust - C - C++ - Scala - Java - C# Game Engine Experience: - Amethyst (Core Engine Developer) - ScalEngine (Engine Author) - Unity - JMonkeyEngine - LWJGL Work ================================================================================ CV: ./cv_annekitsune.pdf Donate ================================================================================ If you like the work I do, please consider donating on Patreon: https://patreon.com/AnneKitsune Or by Bitcoin: 15NDruDUDr3KaMjt87BvUJaayEzy5c765Z Contact Me ================================================================================ In English or French mailto: annekitsunefox [at] gmail [dot] com